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ABC Nursery follows the guideline of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Our curriculum builds on what children already know to ensure they gain sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning.. We take the approach that each child is unique, has special talents and abilities, and has an individual learning style. We acknowledge that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and believe that all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected.

There are 7 areas of learning
3 Prime Areas and 4 Specific areas.
The Prime areas are the essential 'building blocks' for securing positive outcomes in later life and adulthood. They support development in all other areas. They are:

Personal, Social,
and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development
The Specific areas include essential skills and knowledge that children need to participate successfully in society. They are:



Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Our children participate in a broad range of group activities. These include circle times, story-times, playtimes, music & movement, arts & craft, role play, and cooking. Group activities help our children to develop their listening, concentration, and social skills. Activities are planned each week to address the seven areas of learning. Through these, the children are given opportunities to be creative, use their imaginations, and express themselves in different contexts. As a result, they begin to link themselves and the world around them. In Addition, they develop physical control of their bodies.
In Addition, confidence and independence are built during the daily play sessions, which offer children free choice to select and explore a range of activities. Focused learning at each child’s level and pace occurs through one-to-one adult support. Within the security of their EYFS environment, they are encouraged to take on new challenges, to ‘have a go,’ and begin to understand that active learning will involve taking risks.
Their teachers closely monitor each child’s development progress in all learning areas. Each student’s progress is monitored through observations, work samples, photographs, and meetings with parents. In Addition, teachers are available to speak to parents in informal or set meetings that can be made as required.